Author: admin


Meet Iron Woman – Kris Lim

She’s not a character in a science fiction novel, nor a Disney or Marvel comic superhero. Meet a real life Iron Woman, Kris Lim, “Krissy” to her friends, a 52 year old single woman who grew up in the South Bay, – Torrance California


Bicycling Activist, Meg Whitney

Name a childhood memory involving bikes.  “As a kid growing up in New Hampshire my posse and I rode everyday.  Like most children I was involved in lots of extracurricular activities from soccer to...


Bicycle Bicentennial

Although German born Karl Freiherr von Drais (1785 – 1851) died penniless December 10, 1851, we have him to remember for inventing what we now call the bicycle.  Drais was a civil servant to the...


Q & A with a P.T. – Franklin Ortiz, D.P.T.

Most people think of P.T.’s (Physical Therapist’s) when they need rehab to heal from some sort of injury.  Would it be fair to say that Physical Therapists are sought out just as often for...


Quote – Denis Waitley

Quote – “It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you are not.” – Denis Waitley


Bicycle Safety, Start Them Young

You purchased a bike for your  child, have you also taught them them safe cycling practices?  Check out this video and age appropriate quiz for your child’s age group, (Age 5 to 9, 10...


Quote – Zig Ziglar

Quote – A great attitude becomes a great mood, which becomes a great day, which becomes a great year which becomes a great life! –
Zig Ziglar


The Essence of S.W.A.T.

Siobhan Dolan is a talented woman with a lovely Gailec Irish name.  Having moved from Pennsylvania to Los Angeles, her first time riding a bike with training wheels was around age 5, falling off...


Cycling Cameras, Help or Hindrance?

It’s a common sight these days to see bicyclists with cameras mounted both forward and rear facing, believing they offer some measure of insurance, a silent witness if you will in case of an...