Category: Featured


The Adventures of a Girl Called Bicycle

..she sets off on her bike traveling cross country, one girl, two wheels, and a plan to pedal four thousand miles to San Francisco to meet her idol, a famous cyclist, certain that he will be her first true friend.


What Are Your Fitness Goals for 2019?

What is your goal for the year? Is it big enough to excite you? Is it small enough that you believe you will accomplish it before the year is out? If you answered yes to both, the “it” is in the sweet spot and you will likely make it happen! What happens if you attain your goal early in the year?


Importance of Cycling Eye Wear

Never underestimate the importance of wearing cycling eye wear. Beyond looking fashionable and protecting your eyes from bright light, eye wear offers valuable protection from harmful UV rays and potential flying debris,


Support Your Local Bike Shop

ASE parent company for the Performance Bicycle retail chain as well as Bike Nashbar and distributor ASI recently filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection


The Power of One Great Idea

To change the world all it takes is one great idea, an idea that touches hearts and changes lives for the better. A Denmark man by the name of Ole Kassow rode his bicycle to work daily. Ole saw a 97 year old nursing home resident sitting on a bench and decided he would pick this man up at the nursing home in a rickshaw and take him around town for a ride down memory lane.


Essentials of Climbing

Needing to know the basics of climbing before you head out on that next feared group ride? Here are a few tips to help you overcome those climbing fears and bring out that confident climber in you.


2019 New Year Resolution

We all make them, but do we follow through to achieve the goals we intended when we make our New Years resolutions?


en*COURAGE*her Cycling Celebrates

Monica De Leon and Margaret Sandoval are “besties” and co-founders of an all women’s cycling group known as, “en*COURAGE*her CYCLING”, based in Orange County, California. The club recently celebrated their 2nd Anniversary.