Category: Wellness


L.A’s Dr. Ben Benham on Skincare

“Eighty percent (80%) of skin damage occurs by age eighteen (18). So most younger adults, females particularly, come in for skin checks…basically have all their moles checked and make sure they don’t have any form of skin-cancers or pre-cancers.


Take Care of Yourself – Ride a Bike!

During the Corona Virus pandemic you have been told you should stay home, cook, binge watch t.v., play board games, listen to podcasts, take a walk, just RELAX! You have been cooped up for weeks now and for many this is not a restful state of being.


Welcome Spring!

Spring is a time of new beginnings. The air is fresh and an adventure on a bicycle awaits you. Make time for yourself, your health and well being.


Heart Rate Monitors

Monitoring your heart rate in real time can help to know your current effort, and know when to push a little harder or ease up. Although it may not be as concrete of a number as a power meter it can still be useful for those who are looking into upping their training to gain strength, endurance, or doing watch their effort while on a recovery ride.


Autoimmune Walk 2018

The American Autoimmune Related Diseases Association’s (AARDA) has launched whats known as the Auto Immune Walk nationwide to raise funds for a cure and raise awareness of the magnitude that these immune related diseases have on so many Americans. Immune diseases affect 1 in 5, that’s 20% or approximately 50 million Americans. AARDA encourages us all to get involved, because together WE CAN make a difference!